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What to Look for in a Gym or Personal Trainer

July 24, 2020

Personal preferences mean that what one person looks for in a gym or personal trainer can be the opposite of what another person looks for. Some love high-end and glamorous gyms while others prefer local neighborhood hangouts with just the basics. Likewise, some people love high-energy personal trainers that make them feel as if they’re in the army, while others respond better to a gentler approach. There are no right or wrong choices here, it’s all a matter of preference! However, when choosing a gym or personal trainer, some key factors are important no matter the type of gym or personal trainer. From hygiene to customer service, we take you through the things to look out for when choosing your next workout spot.


A gym is a public space with a constant flow of people. Proper sanitation is crucial when it comes to preventing illnesses and contamination. When checking out a new gym, ask yourself a few questions about its state of hygiene. Are there enough cleaning stations and are the bottles of cleaning liquid full? Are the patrons being respectful and wiping down equipment after use? Does the staff regularly wipe down equipment as well during your visit? Don’t forget to check out the state of the changerooms as well - a clean shower and orderly changing areas are just as important as the gym itself.


Everyone’s time is valuable and a trainer that respects your time and schedule is something you should expect from every visit. Sure, life happens and if the person giving you your tour or initial training session is a few minutes late, you shouldn’t automatically discount the trainer or gym. However, you should be acknowledged and an apology offered. There’s nothing worse than being on time and ignored. A smile and a friendly word go a long way. When trying to get in touch with the gym or trainer over the phone or email, do they respond the same, or next day? While everyone’s expectations of punctuality differs, it’s good to let the gym or trainer know your expectations.

Functioning Equipment

Whether it’s an upscale, 3 level gym with swimming pools and squash courts or a very basic set-up, all equipment should be functional. Don’t be afraid to ask about the gym’s policy and procedures on inspecting their equipment. A responsible gym will do a daily inspection of their equipment. Injuries from pushing yourself too hard can happen, but injuries from faulty and worn-out equipment should never occur.

Clear Pricing

Gyms are a business and of course, they will use marketing and sales tactics to get as many customers as possible. But they must never be dishonest or vague about their membership or personal training prices. Don’t be afraid to ask for a deal package from personal trainers and a discount if you buy a block of training sessions, but make sure to have at least one session before you do. That initial session will give you and the trainer a chance to get to know one another and find out if you are compatible. Don’t let yourself be pressured into committing and look out for hidden fees and add-ons on your bill.

Trust Your Intuition

It’s ok to walk away from a gym that doesn’t meet your standards. Remember, you don’t need to decide on the spot, and taking some time to think about your decision is perfectly alright. At Strive Fitness we love sharing our fitness knowledge with our customers and we would be happy to discuss your workout plan to see if we’re a fit. Get in touch with us to find out more.

This is a photo of a person at a gym.
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